Harry Potter for Muggles
GGoyle - Book 4. Goyle's father, a Death Eater. Goyle, Gregory - Book 1. One of Malfoy's large Slytherin bodyguards. Granger, Hermione - Book 1. One of Harry's best friends. Also the top of the class. She gets flack from many Slytherins for being a Muggle-born witch. Granger, Mr. and Mrs. - Book 2. Hermione's Muggle parents. Griphook - Book 1. A Gringotts goblin. Grubbly-Plank, Professor - Book 4. Witch who subbed for Hagrid. Gryffindor, Godric - Book 2. One of the Founders of Hogwarts. Owner of the Sorting Hat. Gudgeon, Davie - Book 3. Boy who almost got an eye poked out by the Whomping Willow. |